Archiv článků
We have a new girl - máme novou holčičku! :-)
14.11.2012 21:40
We have a new girl in our cattery. Her name is Lunga van Scarlettini. She is sweetest ever, charming and beautiful. I would like to thank my dear friends Nanda and Harry for Lunga and for all the trust and friendship that I appreciate so much.
V naší CHS máme novou holčičku. Jmenuje se Lunga...
Clea was BIS
23.09.2012 16:18
Clea was BIS in open Class at BURAK Show. Huge congrats to her owner Anne Roed-Meek. :-) We are so happy about Clea having such a loving owner.
Clea and BatStar Elcamino :-))
Kitten´s page updated - aktualizace kotěcí stránky :-)
23.09.2012 14:38———
We have kittens born! :-)
27.08.2012 19:39
We have 5 kittens born from: La Bouche Bon Voyage SK - OSH bs and (N) BatStar Spot-a-lot Simba - OSH n24
Mum and babies are doing well - more info will follow.
Carlito Blue Lime Cats - these days
12.08.2012 18:20
Just one picture of Carlito how he looks these days! :-)
Clea these days
19.06.2012 08:09
I have received a nice picture of Clea from Anne. Clea has grown into a pretty young lady. Thank you Anne for loving her and looking after her so nicely. :-)
Clea is a JW/Clea je JW :-))
08.06.2012 11:10
Our sweet Clea who lives with dear Anne in Norway has got her fifth´s BIS and become a Junior Winner. Big thanks and huge congrats goes to Ann for loving Clea so much. I am so proud and happy!!!! :-))
Naše holčička Clea, kt. žije v Norsku s Anne, byla znovu BIS a získala tímto tilul...
Carlito´s first show - Carlito poprvé na výstavě
19.05.2012 20:59
STAR CATS SHOW 2012, Prague - May 19th, 2012 - Mr. Luigi Comorio -EX1, NOMINATION, BIS
Our sweet boy Carlito Blue Lime Cats, CZ was BIS kitten 3-6 months kitten. We are very happy! :-)
Náš chlapeček Carlito Blue Lime Cats, CZ byl BIS kotě 3-6 měsíců. Máme velikánskou radost!...
Chicco je v novém domově/Chicco in new home
11.04.2012 19:50
Dnes odešel náš chlapeček Chicco do nového domova. Přejeme Chiccovi a jeho nové rodině jen to nejlepší. :-)
Today our beloved boy Chicco has moved to his new home. Wish him and his new family all the best. :-)
Clea Blue Lime Cats, CZ - BIS twice
09.04.2012 19:45
Clea Blue Lime Cats - went to RORAK show with her new owner Anne and become BIS both days. Well done and huge congrats, Anne! So happy- kisses to Clea :-)). Clea se svojí novou majitelkou zúčastnila výstavy RORAK v Norsku a oba dny byla BIS. Velká gratulace a poděkování Anne! Máme velikánskou...